Pound for Pound Challenge

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Weekly Weigh In

Last Friday I went to my weekly weigh in. I was a little nervous because the week before I had lost only 14 ounces. Sure, it's still a loss, but almost not worth mentioning.

So, I stepped on the scale with some trepidation...and found I had lost 4 pounds! Excellent! I had added some walking and had watched my food portions and fat gram better this last week than the week before.

The week before, I had watched my food intake, but hadn't logged it as well as I should have in my journal, so I spent a lot of time backtracking and trying to remember what I ate, when. To be honest, some of my entries were made up. I don't think they were far off from what I had actually eaten, but still fictitious nonetheless.

I resolved to be more careful about logging my food and to increase my walking and I did. I got serious again about making sure to write down what I ate at work (I eat breakfast and lunch at work) and then to log my dinner and any snacks as soon as I ate.

I'm using a new pedometer that I think is pretty good. I hope it's accurate and will take it on faith that it is. The building I work in has two long hallways that intersect in a T shape. I decided that I will walk the halls going to breakfast and again when I return to my office. And again at lunch. That gives me four laps, and a fifth when I leave in the evening. Between those five "laps" and my usual routine walking during the day, I usually walk between two and three miles.

Just after I decided to add those extra laps, I was tapped to train a new employee. I couldn't ask Chris to wait while I did the laps, and couldn't ask Chris to walk it with me. (Although it would do Chris some good to lose a couple of pounds...not that I would ever say that to Chris or anywhere that Chris might see it. I'm not here to judge and certainly not to judge or criticize anyone else.)

So, anyway, it took a few days before I could get into my new routine and now it's part of what I do at work.

Tomorrow is my next weigh in. Wish me luck!

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