Pound for Pound Challenge

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


About a month ago, I decided to give gardening a try. I don't have much room, so I'm doing container gardening.

One thing I realized a long time ago that just because I didn't know how to do something, doesn't mean I can't. So I thought, "hmmm...you know, gardening would be kind of interesting to try. I may not know much about it, but I don't know that I can't grow an awesome garden!" or something like that.

Since this is a first time effort and because I know that my interest can sometimes fade away very quickly, I didn't want to invest a lot of money in this adventure. So, I stopped at Walmart and bought some dishpans, potting soil, aquarium gravel and seeds.

I didn't buy tomato plants because I'm not too fond of tomatoes, so I stuck with seeds for plants I knew I would eat: spinach, lettuce, broccoli, and string beans. I also bought carrot seeds but I haven't planted them yet, I ran out of dishpans.

I came home, poured aquarium gravel in the dishpans for drainage (not much in the way of rocks and gravel around here, but if I need sand, I'm set!), filled with soil and planted my seeds. I watered and put the pans on my patio and set back to wait.

I watered as needed, and low and behold! I had seedlings! As the string beans grew, I started to think, these are vining plants, so I'm going to have to do something so they can grow upwards. I visited Lowes and Home Depot, and saw some excellent ideas, but nothing really said, "this is it!" Today, I found my answer. I was perusing the Internet and found my answer: wire mesh.

Not the mesh you might be thinking of. This is mesh with openings about 4" square. So another trip to Lowe's tomorrow on the way home for some wire mesh and wood for a frame and I'll be set.

This has me thinking about how I want to redo my patio. It's something I've been mulling over anyway, and if gardening takes off as I want it to, I'll be doing some revision of my plans. More about that another time.

The upshot is that my gardening my take off and I'll have fresh vegetables to eat. It will be good for my soul and good for my body. If this passion fades away, it's something I tried.

It's a win-win either way.

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